Just that. Project 2.
A little message before I begin. You can skip it if you don’t really care—I won’t be offended. I just need to let that out, you know?
This week’s been really straining on me—late nights, passionless content, and weird mindsets. Last night in particular, I was with some friends and ended up somehow unconscious and on the floor, and the scary part is that I don’t remember any of it. Just before this, I had a black eye appear out of nowhere on my face. I’ll be calling the doctor tomorrow morning, as it’s looking like a possible concussion.
I want to take this moment to really express the importance of mental health checks. We didn’t get a spring break or any type of break this year, and I feel like a lot of us are becoming exhausted. Maybe it’s the pressure of being a leader—something I love about our school so much in that I’ve learned to develop a healthy fondness for. I’m not sure, but I had a mental breakdown the other day. I’m telling you, the reader, about this because I want you to know that it’s okay. Breathe. Go make yourself some tea, or go grab a coffee from Tim Hortons or what you’d prefer. Regardless, take some time to love yourself a little bit. You and I both know you deserve it.
For this project, I’ve decided to take my newfound love for vintage Pentax camera lenses into play. This is a topic I’ve become somewhat adept at learning, and I find fascinating. I can really go in a lot of directions with it; primarily, I’m interested in showing just how vastly different and beautiful these gems are—I’ll even include samples of my own lenses. I have 5 different lenses to shoot with, so it should be a blast. Plus I like getting out and shooting. I’d hope in doing this, people can learn that it’s actually so much freaking fun to do.
Information Architecture and Layout Idea
Project 2: Thumbnails
User Bio
Name: Alastair Evans
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Location: Shrewsbury, UK
Education level: MA in Anthropology, BS in Optical Science with a minor in photography
Occupation: Hobbyist, Professor, Collector
Sometimes, all you need is a new perspective
Alastair’s family has always been somewhat special. As a direct descendent to a famous-yet-not-so-well-known optometrist, he’s always had a knack for ocular physics. Since he was a boy, his father introduced him to lenses and optics, and originally decided to go to college in Yorkshire for photography, only to realize he was much more interested in crafting his lenses. He became well-versed in old Carl Zeiss, Zenit, Kodak, and Canon lenses in the late-70’s and proceeded to pursue his bachelor’s degree in ocular physics. To further his career path, he acquired his master’s in anthropology with a concentration in historical ocular physics.
Alastair has a love for collecting the old—as most anthropologists seem to do. One of his finest pieces of his collection include an authentic Galileo Gailei telescope. In the past decade, Evans began looking into Asian lenses to compare and contrast the sharpness and coatings to European lenses. To start his collection, he recently picked up an incredibly rare, 8-of-a-kind Asashi Takumar Monochromatic lens and thus sparked his collecting love yet again.
Personality/Key Attributes:
A bit snobby, but overall a fair, docile gentleman of stocky nature. He lost most of his hair around his very late 40’s. Alastair has few friends, but the few he has are as close as blood. Not much of a sportsman, but enjoys a nice show of cricket. Quite wealthy, and a bit of a micro-tinkerer.
Alastair’s goal in life is to create lenses that use vibration physics instead of physical glass. By doing so, he may reinvent the world of optics as we know it.
Evans is a fan of fine dining and scotch whiskey, but he loves to spend time by the town square and/or tend to his garden.
He hates incessantly rude people who have no respect for their surroundings; namely he despises people who belch loudly for attention and smell terrible. Frankly, he is frustrated with the UK’s Brexit decision, and so he is considering taking a position in Scotland in response to the recent independence referendums.
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